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Darrik Moberg

Notes on LWJ Show's "Let's Learn Nuxt (with Maya Shavin)"

These are my notes on Nuxt from the Learn with Jason's "Let's Learn Nuxt (with Maya Shavin)" episode.


The nuxt-create command can only run once. Unlike the Vue CLI there's no way to add plugins from the nuxt-create CLI.

Cloudinary Module

There's an installable Cloudinary module to handle importing images from Cloudinary. Cloudinary is a cloud-based media handling platform. It uses queries to handle transforming and modifying images.

The Cloudinary module lets you pass in a public path and get Cloudinary hosted images via this.$cloudinary.url(\*relative folder path url goes here*/ /myFolder/myImage)

By default, the Cloudinary module adds some default transformations:

Cloudinary has the ability to fetch remote images and transform them with Cloudinary. In Nuxt, it runs like this:


Crop images to a face and convert to thumbnail:


To handle this in the Cloudinary package, you pass in an object of transformations to the image function:

$cloudinary.image('url', {
//transforms go here
gravity: 'face',
width: '200px',


Other note: Cloudinary has a GraphQL API in the works!

Nuxt Develop

The Nuxt command (development mode) does server side generation mixed with hot reloading. This is more akin to the nuxt build && nuxt start commands.

Static Site

You can deploy the site using nuxt generate

The generate command has support for "incremental compilation". This reduces subsequent builds when the content has changed but the code has not. It uses a generate cache to compare changes between builds. Need to make sure this cache is accessible on subsequent builds.

Fetching dynamic content on the server

Notes on how to fetch content on the server.


The asyncData hook runs before the component is generated.

asyncData works like Vue lifecycle hooks via a function you place on your component instance. Note that because it runs before the component is mounted, it doesn't have access to most of this or any of the component properties.

You can access modules and other Nuxt-localized data with the context property.

Nuxt will merge the properties returned from the AsyncData function with the data property.

Q: Does it merge data properties or just overwrite when the component mounts? e.g. if both return an image array with values, what will happen. Gut says merge, but will need to check. Especially since it's unclear what happens if it's just a value.

Other Notes